Self Balancing Robot

I recently worked on a self-balancing robot that combines control engineering and micro-controllers to keep itself balanced by continuously counteracting its tendency to tilt. By using a sensor to determine the robot's position and angle, and a PID control loop to keep it balanced, we were able to achieve this impressive feat.But that's not all! We're taking it to the next level by developing a web app that will allow users to control the robot through a Firestore database. The app sends data to the database, which is then fetched by an ESP32 microcontroller and transmitted to a PSOC microcontroller responsible for the robot's movements. This means that real-time status updates and adjustments can be made through the web app, to get this done we used ESP-IDF, Firebase, and PSOC-Creator.We're configuring the ESP32 to connect to the Firestore database and the PSOC to process data, all while using UART to communicate in JSON format.

Medicine Cart

I recently participated in a Hackathon where I had the opportunity to work on a project that has the potential to make a positive impact in the healthcare industry. Our project was focused on developing an automated vehicle to provide medicines to patients in hospitals. This project was a collaboration between 6 students, Sick, Safelog, and Bosch Rexroth. We all came together with different skill sets and backgrounds to work towards a common goal. During the Hackathon, we faced many challenges and obstacles, but we persevered and came up with a solution that we were all proud of. It was an incredible experience to be a part of this project, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with such talented and passionate people. I believe that this project has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry and make a positive impact on the lives of many people.I am excited to continue collaborating and working on projects like this in the future. 

Assistance Systems

We did a research project commissioned by UNIBZ Bolzano on industrial assistance systems and their influence on Industry 4.0. We identified how these technologies can increase efficiency.
Industry 4.0 brings flexibility and interconnectivity to manufacturing, which will undoubtedly increase productivity and create new opportunities for organizations. Our research suggests that there are three main areas in which Industry 4.0 technologies affect the business world: the digitization and integration of value chains, the digitization of product and service offerings, and the digital business model and customer access.
We have also identified some barriers to the implementation of Industry 4.0. These include concerns about cybersecurity and data ownership. We recognize that these new technologies can cause fear about the safe handling of information and data.
Our project is aimed at a wide range of stakeholders which are examined.
We explored a range of industrial assistance systems and did research about the potentials and limits.